Saturday, April 4, 2009


I haven't felt like talking too much lately. There is nothing like having to beg your friends for their hand me downs. Or beg crafty people you know to make stuff for your baby.

Since Nortel is Bankrupt, Ben didn't get any severance. And because he made "too much" Monday and Tuesday he didn't qualify for unemployment this week. He needs to call Monday...but we know that money isn't going to be much. And we get screwed on low cost health insurance because he made "too much" so far this year.

We've been doing our best to stretch our budget and look for ways to save. I've taken lots of things to the consignment shop, given Ben several of my Tiffany jewelry peices to sell on Ebay. Plus we're putting stuff up on craiglist and only buying clearance item baby things. I'm also trying to knit a bunch of things for the baby to help save money.

It's scary and I find myself depressed most days because I'm worried. I'm also finding I'm really annoyed with people who say "things will be fine"
No, they aren't fine, and unless you can guarantee to me that it will be ok that line is just annoying. Millions of Americans are not ok. Ben and I will do everything and anything to protect our child. We know we'll most likely have to sell the condo. We may also have to move...another thing I really didn't want to do, least of all while I'm pregnant.

I see so many people complaining about little things in their life. Sometimes I wish they could see what there really is to complain about.