Sunday, March 22, 2009

Diapers and such

the One Size diapers I want...well we found a store that sells them...turns out that the waist can get as small as the xsmall size, and the legs even tighter then that. So Ben and I are happy that we really won't be needing other diapers. We did buy one to play with. Even better, the diapers each come with 2 inserts, so we don't need to buy as many prefolds.

So all those people telling me I need multiple sizes can suck it. Being able to see the diaper first made me a lot less stressed.

We went to the family/baby expo today. $8 a person...and we picked up lots of free stuff...
The best...a double sided Boppy cover. That was worth the admission alone. It's got blue and green stripes on one side, and fish on the other.

We got a bunch of other small things and entered some raffles for stuff. Lots of coupons too.

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