Friday, January 23, 2009

note to self

lemur no longer likes waffles and will make me empty stomach contents if I eat them.
Today I am officially 8 weeks, and Ben and I have been joking that the lemur can now river dance on my bladder.

I ordered some new knitting needles and when those come in I am knitting some new necklaces to put in my artfire shop
so please keep your eyes peeled for that. I have been ignoring my knitting lately (at least what I'm selling) and we could really use the extra money to put away for the baby.
We're also selling a bunch of stuff on craigslist. we want to get money in the savings account so it can gain some interest.

it is supposed to be about 40 this weekend, which is a nice change. Maybe Ben and I will go do something to get my butt out of the house.

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