Thursday, August 16, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

While I wasn't looking I was given a blog award.  I was a little surprised because I know life has taken over and my blog has taken a back seat. 
I was given the Liebster Blog Award.
Andrea over at The Simple Craft Diaries awarded me. I don't know Andrea so this was a really big surprise to me.  The Liebster Blog award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers, nominated by fellow bloggers. 

Honestly I don't have time to give the award to 11 bloggers.  I'm not even sure where I'm finding the time to do this while a toddler climbs on me. 
But I will award 1 to Liz over at Toronto Nanny. She's an amazing writer and I hope to see more from her in the future.

I'm also supposed to post 11 random facts about me.  So here goes:

1: I really really need to go to the bathroom right now but I wanted to write this post.
2: I spend more time than I should shopping the remnant bin at fabric stores.
3: The only time I miss having my period is when I make mama cloth for other people. They're so cute I wish I could wear them (but not enough to get my Mirena removed)
4: I originally started this blog to talk about my infertility. Since then it's moved to mostly crafting with discussions of my breast/ovarian cancer risks as well as my son's autism.
5: I'm a little sad sometimes that my son isn't a redhead.
6: I'm 5 feet tall.
7: I can't crochet.  I can do a basic chain but just haven't felt there is a reason to pick it up with everything else I do.
8: I've been married for 8 years. Many people thought we'd never last 6 months.
9: I had my son when I was 30
10: Garrett is sitting next to me singing me twinkle twinkle little star. 
11: I actually like living in the south. I miss things about NY and Boston but I don't think I'd go back.

And I'm can I go to the bathroom?

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