Sunday, August 30, 2009

Garrett Henry Rodda was born at 10:50pm on August 28th 2009. 7lbs 7oz, 18 inches long.
I labored for a total of 36 hours, with the last 10 being hard labor. At the last minute I gave in and took an epidural, it was a good thing I did because 30 minutes later I was rushed in for an emergency C-section. The baby was in distress and it turns out he had managed to wrap the umbilical cord very tightly around his neck.
Garrett is currently in the NICU (but should be down today). Labor was so rough on him that he couldn't regulate his blood sugar. He's doing much better now. I'm sore and tired but have been moving around much better today.

It was a scary ordeal (especially since we almost lost him), but we're all doing well.

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